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Autism: what, why, where and who?

Some of these answers are easy, some are unknown, others are speculative. But here is UHAG’s take on autism:
What:  it’s a neurological disorder that changes the way a person communicates, reacts, senses and copes with the world.  It’s a spectrum, with an incredible range of supports and needs required to navigate the typical world.
Why: nobody knows.  Many studies have been done and still nobody knows.  Personally, we like the theory of extremely good looking parents, but that was before autism and sleep deprivation.
Where: everywhere, the rates of autism are approximately the same in all countries (excluding the USA where there has been a huge increase in diagnosed people).  But it is in all demographics.

Who: Anyone, but not everyone.  People with autism learn to cope with the world, but their autism doesn't go away when they turn 18.  It effects all genders and all ages.  But it's worth getting to know someone with autism because what they teach you about you could be something that is more worthwhile than everything else you've learnt about yourself.


From Idea to Reality: How UHAG started

Find us on page 44 of the Vibrant Hutt February/March 2020 edition

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